Monday, September 24, 2018

Stone Mountain Bring a Friend for Free day.

Adventure at Stone Mountain Park

I love Stone Mountain.  I love hiking up to the top, I love running the 5 mile path around the mountain and I love sitting out on the laser lawn picnicking.   There's so much adventure that can be had while visiting the park, from nature walks to history museums.   This past weekend we found adventure at the Pumpkin Festival that is being held during this fall time of year.   

 Since my 16 year old does not find the park as adventurous as I do we decided to bring along some guest.  Friends can add a different adventure to any outing.   When we share an experience with those we enjoy the adventure some how becomes a little different and a bit more interesting.   When we share things together we are enjoying life to it's fullest.  

  We are currently Mountain Members,  that allows us to bring a friend for free on special days.  We invited my niece, Kaylee and nephew, Connor.   Life is always fun when they are around.  

During this fall time of year Stone Mountain is all decked out with Pumpkins. 

 There's so much pumpkin fall fun going on, like character meet and greet, fall parade through Crossroads, and the Mad Hatter carnival games.  

Our adventure would not be complete at the mountain without some geocaching.  After a picnic on the top of the mountain our crew solved the clues that led us to the cache on top of the mountain.  Check out geocaching online for all the rules and locations.  Our family has enjoyed caching for many years.    


On this adventure we rode the cable car up to the top, which can be a little scary so a prize of Dippin Dots was a sweet prize!

Check out Stone Mountains website for a list of all the fun stuff they have going on right now.  The pumpkin glow party sounds super fun.  We ended our day with a little putt putt golf, which is included in our Mountain Membership.  The course is located behind the train station and is a great shady activity when it's hot out.

 How do you enjoy Stone Mountain?  
 There is so much to do I would love to hear your favorite activity at the Mountain.
Feel Free to post a comment to share with us all.

Remember Adventure is out there; and if you find the same adventure you've done many times before, invite a guest, bring joy to their day and a spin to the same old adventure.  

Friday, September 7, 2018

Life through an Adventure Lens

 I believe there's a time and a season for everything and after  our season of  travel nursing career,  I felt like our adventurous life was over.  Settling down took some time to get use to.  And after we bought our home I really felt like our adventures came to a screeching halt. But in recent days I've come to the realization that adventure can be found in every day life.  Life is an adventure, it's what you make it to be.  I've learned that if I will look at everyday activities through an adventure lens,
 then my perspective changes and simple everyday task can become an adventure.
  So what is adventure??  Google defines adventure as follows:

noun: adventure; plural noun: adventures
  1. 1.
    an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity.

    "her recent adventures in Italy"

    "her recent adventures in Italy"
    • daring and exciting activity calling for enterprise and enthusiasm.

      "she traveled the world in search of adventure"

    • archaic
      a commercial speculation.

So when I look at this I see that adventure can be ANY activity we do.  To turn it into a real adventure though  you have to do it with ENTHUSIASM  and EXCITEMENT.  Imagine if we treated everyday activities with excitement, especially those chores or activities that we dread.  It basically comes down to how we look at things.  And for me, over the last several  months I have learned to look at all activities through my adventure lens.

    This summer I was kinda thrust into a public job, something I have not done since I was pregnant with my first child.  I was getting up at 5:30 everyday and not getting home until 5 or 6 at night.  And if you know me you know I love my sleep.  Instead of dreading and dragging through the experience I learned to look at it through an adventure lens.  I used the time to learn more about myself, to learn my strengths and weaknesses,  to learn more about those in my life, learn how to handle relationships when I had limited amount of time to give, learn how to juggle life and prioritize  important things  but most importantly I learned that I can do anything I put my mind and body to.  At the end of a lot of days I felt like a failure, but I used the criticism and disappointments  as a tool to grow and do better next time.

    With all the perspective  and inspiration I've had recently I've decided to start blogging again in hopes to encourage my readers to look at THEIR life through THEIR adventure lens.   Remember,  life is all about YOUR outlook.  Try to find the happy each day, look at it as if it's an adventure and grow from what you learn.  You and I will be better for it tomorrow. 

  Here are some of the adventures you will be reading about on my upcoming blog posts,  adventures in raising teenagers, adventures in being a dog mom, adventures in having an Etsy store and crafting, adventures in camping, hiking, running and fitness,  adventures in being a wife, a homeschooling mom, adventures with girlfriends,  and adventures in travel.  Our family still finds the time and budgets to travel our great county in pursuit to explore and experience new things together.  As my children grow older I see the importance of spending as much adventurous time I can with them.  But that's another blog post for another day.