Monday, January 17, 2011

Our day on the Red Carpet!

"We had a sweet awesome day", says Heston.  We started our day off heading off to Beverly Hills.  We were in high hopes of seeing some cool Golden Globe excitement, but did not really expect to much.  We knew the security would be very intense.  We arrived in Beverly Hills around 1:00 and began looking for parking. Parking in  LA and surrounding areas is very scarce, but with in two minutes we found FREE parking.  AWESOME!!  Then we walked about two blocks down to the Beverly Hilton, where the Globes are held.  We hung out where we saw other spectators.  We were just about to sit down, when a Golden Globe worker walked over and started handing out bleacher passes. SWEET!  They then escorted us into the hotel and down the red carpet into the spectators bleachers.  We all were on cloud nine! When we started our day we were in hopes of seeing a celebrity driving by in a limo. To our surprise we now get to see all the celebrities getting out of their limos.  Our lucky day !!!!

Heading into the Beverly Hilton.

Trent in front of "E"'s stage. (Entertainment Tonight)

These are the bleachers that we will be sitting.

Ryan Seacrest 

Can you spot, Precious in the purple dress.

Alec Baldwin

Kevin Spacey

Jimmy Kimmel

Natalie Portman

Nicole Kidman

Justin Bieber

Catherine Zeta Jones and Micheal Douglas

Sandra Bullock

Forget this mans name, but he plays on "HOUSE"

Brad Pit and Angelina

Haley Berry 


Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp)

Tom Hanks

Christian Bale

The Mize's

What a sweet awesome day, we lucked up and got to see more than we thought we would.  Our favorite actors and actress was Johnny Depp, Brad Pit and Angelina.  They walked over to the fans and posed for  us to take pictures.  We are thrilled that we were able to participate in the Golden Globe Awards during our California adventure.  

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Muir Woods -Giant Trees

With just a few days to visit Northern California we chose not to take the long drive up to the Red Wood Forest.  Our Denver friends advised us to be sure to visit Muir Woods.  They said that we could see giant Red Wood Trees there, and boy did we.  This trees were ginormous!!! When we entered the park it felt like we were in a tropical rain forest.  Everything, everywhere was green and moist.  
I sooooo could have used a hammock and an iced lemonade.  

We wanted to measure a tree for ourselves, so we brought a piece of twine to stretch around one of the trees.  

So here Trent and Bryson stretched out our piece of twine to show the distance around the tree.Do you see Bryson way in the back??  Can you guess how many feet long the twine ended up being???
 (keep reading to find out)

Bryson holds the rolled up twine, it measured 29 feet, did you guess right???

Here we stand inside some holes in the trees.

Our morning in Muir Woods was very interesting.  The boys were able to become Junior Rangers of Muir Woods and we were dazzled by the size of these giant trees. 
Our day of site-seeing comes to an end, because of some work related stuff Johnny had to get done for his new job.  We had to drive back into the city of San Francisco for him to finish up.  By the time he finished up it was getting dark so we drove on down town to see some city lights.

Macy's of San Francisco

Trolley Car

Christmas Tree in the town square

A Christmas Palm Tree, love it!!!!!

This ends our adventure in San Francisco.  We wished we had just a little more time, there was stuff we did not get to see that was on our 'bucket' list.  Maybe we will have a long weekend and can drive up to visit some of these places. 

 So on with our journey to our new home in LA........

On the road again,,,,,,,we went through Madesto.  The boys thought that was kinda cool.  The city of Madesto was on there kids movie, "Monsters vs Aliens".  The boys found it interesting that it is an actual place.

This whole trip from Denver to Cali had been  a very eventful journey. Our journey seemed to always have something exciteing or more like nerve-racking that happens.  So our journey form San Fancisco to Los Angeles was no exception.  


 For the first time on our adventure we get a flat.  But all went well. Johnny had bought a spare at the local Wal-Mart in some little city where we had stopped.  
Good thing he did! We used it!!
So Johnny had the tire changed in less than 30 minutes.  A few miles down the road we found a tire shop that replaced and fixed the flat one, and in less than 30 minutes we were back on the road.  
Not too bad, we lost about an hours drive and hundred dollars but quickly got back on the road. 

FINALLY .......We reach Los Angeles!!!