Monday, August 31, 2009

Hockey Skating lessons.

Hockey is offered at the Rec. Dept. up here, buuuuut before you can take hockey you have to learn how to skate on hockey skates. Sunday was the boys first lesson. Bryson did super, picked right up on it. Heston tried to out do all the other kids and kept falling and got a goose egg on his head. Trent listened to his instructor and learned quickly. All the boys can't wait to get back out on the ice. They will have 2 practices a week, one with an instructor and one without.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Family Broom Ball

On Friday evenings our rec. dept. has 'Family Broom Ball". You play it kinda like hockey, but with no skates. You take a "Broom" and hit a ball into your goal. It's harder than it looks. The ice was really slippery, cold and hard; Johnny says. Poor little Bryson bit the ice also, and we thank our Heavenly Father for keeping him safe, and Johnny too.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Enjoying life on Holabird Ln.

Here the boys are enjoying neighhood life on Holabird Lane. One of the favorite things they enjoy doing is riding their bikes and ripsticks on the pavement. Bryson and I find a cool shade tree to do our school work under. Heston is eating a GA grown watermelon. When Maw-Maw and Pa came up last week they brought us a yellow watermelon. While eating it Heston made the comment, "this is as good as an American watermelon". I guess he thinks that red watermelons are 'American'.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Saturday adventures!

On Saturday we headed down to DC. This day we were going to conquer the "American History" Museum. Needless to say we only made our way through about a fourth of it. I left my camera battery at home and was only able to use my iphone to capture what we saw. We saw things like the first ladies dresses, Ninja turtles, Julia's kitchen and lots more. The boys enjoyed inventing and building in the "Spark Lab". It was a good day.It was raining when we left the museum to head home. We were able to get in our weekly shower, ha ha,ha.

For dinner we stopped by to get some Sushi. Everything is so nice being so close. Only Johnny and I ate Sushi, the boys had frozen pizza.

Friday, August 21, 2009

One week down!!

One week down, 175 more days to go. Pewww, weekend here we come!!! We all were glad that we have finished one week of school. Each boy had an easy week, beginning of the year is always easy work. Maw-Maw gave Heston his spelling test over Skype today. He received an A+ ! Good job Hes!!!! Bryson got all correct responses on his Phonics assessment. Super !! Trent has Georgia History this year, the year we move out of the state, but anyway, he made a booklet on the 7 wonders of GA. He did an awesome job!! We look forward to a great schooling year!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Enjoying city life on a hot day.

Since the day we moved in the boys keep hearing the ice cream truck We have not been able to catch it, until today. The music kept getting closer and closer until we saw the glorious site out our living room window, THE ICE CREAM TRUCK !!!!!!!!!! What a great treat on a hot day!

Finding and playing with new friends.

We are enjoying neighborhood living. We have meet our neighbors on all sides now. We have a Nigerian family on the left side, they have 3 kids. In this video the boys play tag with them. We met our neighbor on the right side, the dad is a dentist and they have a 13 month old boy,very cute little guy. On down on right side is a family with older kids more Trent's age. They enjoy playing 4 square with our boys. We seem to be in a very kid friendly area. We have been blessed.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Maw-Maw & Pa come for a visit.

August, 17, 2009, Maw-Maw and Pa travel all the way up to Maryland just to see us. They had a good and safe trip. When they arrived we took off to down town. We took them on the Metro into town. The boys wanted to show them Air and Space. We spent about 2 hours walking through the whole place. The boys got really hungry so we went over to the McDonald's, to get everyone dollar burgers but to our surprise there was nothing a dollar on that menu. We did buy a seven dollar, 4inch pizza that the boys ate in about 2 minutes. Oh well, lesson learned, take snacks!! We finished our trip off with a walk out onto the Mall to see the Capital and Washington Monument. Great Day !!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Touching Moments.

Some of our last stops were the World War 2 Memorial and Vietnam Memorial. We did not realize how touching they would be. You should have seen all the names of the soldiers that died on the Vietnam Memorial. They just kept going and going. And just to think that we know people who fought in that war. We thanked God for keeping our friend safe. Thank you to all that served both dead and alive. God bless !!
The WWII was neat it had a huge pool in the middle of all these pillars with the names of each state name on them. Of course our children thought it was a nice place to cool down.

Other stops while in DC.

We also saw Washington Monument, The Capital, The White House(no president though),Museum of Natural History and Abe. We did lots of walking, but it was neat to go ahead and let the boys see it all. Next time we go back we will be taking each Museum one day at a time. We will be using it all in our homeschooling history lessons.

Our first trip down to Washington, DC.

On Saturday we decided to venture down to DC. We took the Metro in. The boys thought it was just the coolest thing ever. They loved putting their tickets into the machines. We had a really nice lady help us figure it all out. I think we are now Metro Pros. Our first stop was the National Air and Space Museum. We did a quick walk through and then moved on to see what else DC had to offer.

Friday, August 14, 2009

We are here and loving it !!!

We are here!! City life so far is great. Our new home is here at Holly Station. In one pic the boys are standing infront of our appartment. We took off to the neighborhood pool today, got the boys to stop for a pic. Trent and Bryson had a great time, but Heston got punished for pushing Bryson in the deep in and had to sit out. Oh well maybe he learned his lesson and tomorrow will be better for him.

We drove over to the hospital where Johnny will be working, (see pic). He is ready for his first day on Monday. He will have a bit of a drive but is ok with it. Everything else around here is about 1 mile or less. It's great !! We found an awesome grocery store today called "Safeway" it's a lot like the Publix back home. BUT,,,,,,,, we can not find Duke's Mayo anywhere. We tried Wal-mart and Safeway and Duke's is no where to be found. Johnny is about to pack up and head home. He loves his Dukes. Oh well ! We can't have it all. Maw-Maw is coming for a visit later in the week, maybe she will feel sorry for him and bring him some.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Maryland here we come!!

Aug. 12, 2009 we leave leave for our grand adventure. Our day went well. It rained a little, Bob, our great friend said "Hartwell was crying for us". Don't know about that. but thanks to rain it was not too hot. Most of our morning was spent discussing Uhaul's stupid rule that Ford Explorers can not pull their trailers. But after long debate our wonderful family, William & Gina, have decided to haul the trailer up to us. THANK YOU !!
Our traveling was great ! We stopped at the Red Robin for supper, see pic. Thank goodness for Odyssey Adventures, our boys have listened and enjoyed them so much that time just has flown by. We stopped for gas and have to get Brownie out for a stretch. For anyone who does not know Brownie is our over weight, fat, lazy, Houdini , master of escape Hamster. We all love her. See pic.
We end our day at a hotel in Petersburg, VA tired and ready for a soft bed.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

On stage with Demi !!

Our Friend Demi Lovato

Hannah invited me, her Aunt to take her to a Demi Lovato concert at the Bi-Lo center in Greenville, SC. We had a great time together. We also saw David Archuleta.